
dehydrated meat

Survival Food Basics

Buying bulk freeze dried food to have on hand often turns out to be an insurance policy against more than just the bleakest of circumstances -- a job loss, drop of income, or short-term power outage will be less of a blow when a family can turn to their home food storage until the situation returns to normal.
In addition to a monetary emergency fund, it's important to build up a store of food and supplies to best prepare for an occasion when having extra resources and food on hand can make the difference between making it, financially or physically, and not.
The best survival food currently available is freeze dried food. These entrees and ingredients are more nutritious, appetizing, convenient and storable than other survival food options and boast a shelf life of 25 years in the factory sealed airtight containers.
For many people, their home food storage will include a combination of survival food options. For example, a family of five might start with a three-month supply of freeze dried food, augmented with whole grains, dried fruits, dehydrated meat, canned goods and other items with long-term storage options.
The most important part of your own survival food plan is to get started on long term food storage today. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :


