
Practical content creation

Practical content creation

An excellent article on creating content for your website. These ideas will also increase revenue generation for your site if you select the correct products and write up the content accordingly.
IntroductionIf you run a content driven web site or eZine, then I think you will agree with me when I say that finding free, quality content on the 'Net is a pain. So do you, right? Well I know I do. Have you ever thought about emailing a specific person from a company and requesting a "virtual interview" with them?When I say virtual interview, I mean conducting the interview via a series of emailed questions. I have, and every single person that I emailed was more than happy to give me the time of day to answer some questions about them, their job role, their history, etc. This interview added value to our site, because in the interview Markus talked about his industry experience, the development of the 3Dmark series, as well as his opinions on technology, etc. We had the interview on the site within a week. You don't have to be a professional to review a product or web site. It is a complete web editing solution, similar to FrontPage. I decided to review this product because a lot of my visitors are newbies to the web, just learning how to start programming.
Product reviews can work well for you both content wise and financially wise: You get a new form of content on your site, but you can also link back to the product (from within your review) with your unique tracking ID. People feel empowered when they have read something that provides them with useful, free information. The most popular one is Amazon, with over 500,000 members. Include as many peoples opinion on that particular book as you can, whether they are positive or negative. If they like the sample chapter, then there's a good chance they will click on your link to buy the book in the end. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life, and this is true in the online world also. Then, pick a couple of books (ones that you have read) and write a 1-2 page review on each one. :


