
The Negative Article Marketing Traffic Tips You Want To Avoid

The Negative Article Marketing Traffic Tips You Want To Avoid

Sometimes there are good article marketing traffic tips out there and sometimes there are bad article marketing traffic tips. When you are looking for the tips that will help you it is necessary to call upon your common sense and decide whether you are cutting corners or not. Some of the tips that you will find might get you some traffic, but will it last?
When you are looking for the best article marketing traffic tips you want to make sure you avoid some of the negative article marketing traffic tips. These will cause you to lose most of the traffic you could have gained in the future. You have to understand that many of the tips that are out there are all about short term success and long term failure.
Many online marketers will prey on the fact that most people want to make a large amount of money over a shorter amount of time. However, think about this for a moment; what if you started to make a full time income, so you quit your job, then a few months later the income complete disappears? This has happened to many people for one reason and one reason only.
This happens simply because people do not take into consideration that they are doing something that is temporary. If you are cutting any corners, doing anything that seems shady or like a scam, or it just does not feel right, then you should avoid it. Article marketing is a long term business plan and not a get rich quick scheme.
The Top 5 Article Marketing Traffic Tips
1. Catchy Title
The first thing someone is going to see when they find your article or your blog post is the title. If you do not have a catchy title you are going to end up with less traffic. You have to make sure that your title will stand out on the search engines and you will also want to make sure your title is going to make the reader want to continue with your article.
2. Quality Content
Probably the most important of all the article marketing traffic tips is to write quality content. This means that you are putting out content that the reader can actually use for whatever it is meant for. If you put out quality content that can help your readers you will build trust with them and you will get more of them to go to your website over and over again.
3. Longer Content
Most of the time, the longer your articles are the better quality they will be considered to be. If you write articles that are at least 500 words in length they will be considered higher quality than if you are putting out the shorter articles and blog posts. When you decide to write an article or a blog post you should always try to eclipse the 500 word mark before you post it.
4. Good Website Content
When you are using the article marketing traffic tips you are not going to be able to take advantage of the traffic you get if you do not have good quality content on your website as well. This is a mistake that many make and it is not that hard to make sure you have quality content on your website or blog as well as in your actual articles.
5. More Article Directories
Article directories change the way they do things all the time and many people lost a large amount of traffic when Ezine Articles made their changes. Those that had articles on other directories and had been putting out quality content did not have to worry nearly as much as those that trusted the shorter and lower quality articles they had up on Ezine Articles.
Using the Article Marketing Traffic Tips to Your Advantage
When you use the article marketing traffic tips and you have an attitude of knowing that article marketing is a long term plan you will be able to achieve success. You want to put it all together and always write articles and blog posts that will help you achieve long term success. The last thing you want to do is spend time building an online income just to see it disappear overnight.
Quality content will stand the test of time and even though 500 words is the minimum you want to write do not be afraid to write more than 1,000 words if you have enough quality information to do so. Many readers love to read lists of tips and step by step plans. If you use some of these in your articles they will come back for more content from you when you put it out.
It is better to use the article marketing traffic tips and get visitors to come to your website over and over again instead of just one time. This is a very good thing and the reason some are more successful than others.


